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Il progressivo invecchiamento della popolazione, l’aumento dell’aspettativa di vita, l’uscita dal mondo del lavoro di persone ancora in pieno possesso delle proprie capacità fisiche e mentali, sono vissuti oggi come “emergenze” sia per le inevitabili implicazioni economico-sociali, sia per la conseguente necessità di definire un nuovo status della cosiddetta “terza età” . E’ importante infatti valorizzare le risorse, in termini di esperienze e competenze, inserendole attivamente nelle dinamiche sociali del territorio. Spesso accade che coloro che escono dal mondo del lavoro siano poco coinvolti in attività formative e di apprendimento permanente: in particolare la mancanza di nozioni di informatica e lo scarso utilizzo delle nuove tecnologie (ad esempio internet) possono contribuire ad isolare l’anziano, ad aumentare il fenomeno dell’esclusione sociale e pertanto a peggiorare la qualità generale della vita, specie nelle aree svantaggiate dal punto di vista dei servizi e dei trasporti.

Tutto questo mentre esiste, da parte della società, il bisogno di non disperdere il patrimonio di esperienza, conoscenza e competenza che l’anziano può offrire.


Obiettivo generale di Info-Coop

Info-Coop propone di recuperare ed arricchire le professionalità e il fondamentale ruolo sociale della fascia anziana della popolazione, seguendone i desideri, le inclinazioni, i bisogni espressi e non. Info-Coop persegue l’obiettivo di progettare nuovi strumenti volti ad aiutare gli anziani ad uscire dall’isolamento affinché possano rivestire il ruolo di cittadini “attivi”, in linea con le attese e le indicazioni dell’Unione Europea.


I destinatari principali di Info-Coop

Attori della Pubblica Amministrazione delle aree rurali e montane che si occupano delle Politiche della Formazione e della Istruzione, mediatori culturali, formatori, tutor ed educatori appartenenti ad organizzazioni che si occupano della educazione degli adulti.


Il destinatario di lungo periodo di Info-Coop

Popolazione adulta, e anziana (over 65) in particolare, residente nelle zone rurali e montane.


Sito web del progetto





Information and Cultural Opportunities of Old People


Objectives of the project programme

The project has the purpose of offering operative models and strategic instruments that are intended as local administrative support to strategically and innovatively face the problems related to formative and educative politics for adults. The reference target is represented by Senior Citizens and, for that which regards Info-COOP, residents in surrounding regions and residents who are decentralised at a level of social and cultural activities. The project intends to transfer know-how and useful methodology to the personnel of the public administrations to implement concrete actions in the region, that may resolve specific and targeted problems tied to the citizens’ rights to education and permanent learning, keeping in mind the many Senior Citizens resident in areas that are peripheral, rural or subject to depopulation that may have partly been deprived, over time, the right to access sources of education and cultural growth. This project is thus aimed at creating operative models and relative products-instruments that local administrations may utilize as a guide for the programming of operations and as a reference in the realization of concrete measures for cultural development and the human resources of the territory and for the continuing training of the administrators and personnel involved in the experimentation, the realization and management of the operations.


Fields of action

Made according to the capacity of the Partnership to produce innovations and the effort made to distribute the results throughout Europe, working in a prospective “local-glocal”, Info-COOP intends to:


  • Transfer knowledge, methodology in the training/education of adults identifying their need for learning and education

  • Developing strategies for the satisfaction of needs, activating integral links with educational and instructional institutes, cultural centres, libraries, cinemathiques, developing educational models to experiment and render operative for teachers, providers, cultural mediators and public administration personnel, which are also manageable through eLearning.

  • Identifying formative and cultural activities in which Senior Citizens, who although pensioned, might in this way be allowed to remain active in their professional fields.


Anticipated actions

  • Analysis of regional territorial contexts, for the purpose of high-lighting the peculiarities and evaluating the possibilities of the transferral of practices

  • Models development

  • Results development

  • Experimentation

  • Monitoring qualitative evaluations and validation throughout of the project

  • Dissemination of the project’s results

  • Transferability of the results


Roles of the Public Administration

Essentially the role that the public administrators have to address in the ambit of the project is that of the regional animation for the creation of a network of local interest and participation in the activities that would be carried out, providing the conditions and the resources necessary for the validation of the model and for the purpose of implementing that which is anticipated and validated by the project.

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